Applications due March 1
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Nettie Lokey Wiley and Charles L. Wiley Foundation. Founded in 1981, The Wiley Foundation has awarded nearly $5.5 million in grants to organizations who give young children in Lancaster the kind of inspiration and education Nettie Lokey Wiley enjoyed as a child—and that she shared with others as a teacher and a benefactor throughout her life.
Thirty-five years later, the foundation remains dedicated to Mrs. Wiley’s vision, to assist in every way in educating young children in Lan-caster County.
“As a tribute to Mrs. Wiley and her dedication to early childhood education in Lan-caster County, the foundation is pleased to announce a $35,000 grant to celebrate this milestone,” said board president Leslie Franklin. “True to her legacy, the 35th anniversary grant will be awarded for a new or expanded initiative that focuses on educating young children (preschool through third grade) in Lancaster County. The grant may not be used to supplement current programs or for operating support, but may be used to expand current programs.”
Applicants must be a 501(c)3 organization, public school or government agency. A letter, no longer than two pages, detailing the initiative, project, or program concept and a budget must be emailed as one PDF file to the foundation at by 5 p.m. March 1.
Additional information or site visits may be requested as letters are reviewed.
The one-time anniversary grant will be awarded in addition to the foundation’s regular grants in the spring and fall, said Franklin.
“Mrs. Wiley saw her foundation as a way to go ‘above and beyond’ for the children in Lancaster County,” said Frank-lin. “This anniversary grant, too, is an opportunity to think about creative and expanded ways to serve our children.”